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Congressional Sign-On Letter to POTUS to address humanitarian needs and restore engagement with Cuba

We need your support on this URGENT call for action! Feel free to forward this!

Representatives James P. McGovern (D-MA), Barbara Lee (D-CA), and Gregory Meeks (D-NY) are circulating a Dear Colleague letter to President Biden regarding changing U.S. policy towards Cuba to address the humanitarian and economic crisis and restore engagement with our Caribbean neighbor. The letter calls for the suspension of U.S. regulations that prevent food, medical supplies, and other humanitarian aid from reaching the Cuban people.  It also calls for lifting all restrictions on Cuban-Americans sending remittances to their families and on non-family donations, allowing nonprofits and faith groups to provide humanitarian assistance and for start-up capital for Cuban small businesses and civil society. Lastly, it urges a rollback of the Trump Administration’s travel restrictions to Cuba and calls for a return to a policy of dialogue and engagement.  

The timing of this letter to Biden is important and strategic. Let’s collectively push hard to get 100 signers so it can be delivered to President Biden ASAP


We need you to get in touch with your representative and urge them to sign onto the letter NOW! 

You may recall earlier this year, 80 members of Congress signed a letter sent to President Biden making nearly identical asks, including lifting the embargo.  If your member signed that letter earlier this year, make sure they sign the Dear Colleague letter now! 


  1. Find your representative here and contact their DC number. 

  2. Ask to speak to the office’s foreign policy (FP) staffer and for their direct email

  3. Once connected, read (or adapt) the sample script (found here).

  4. You might be asked to just leave a message, either with the front desk or on voicemail. Should that happen, read the same script.

  5. Send them an email with the same script adapted. 

  6. Once you have spoken with and/or emailed the FP staffer, please fill out this brief form, to let us know what response you’ve received from your outreach (

  7. Follow up is key! Please continue to urge your representative to sign-on to the letter. Push for an answer either way, so we can document where they stand on Cuba policy. 

  8. And if you have a little extra time, please keep calling other representatives. Here’s a list of direct DC numbers.  


  • Bruce O’Brien
    Posted November 15, 2021 10:59 pm 0Likes

    Sanctions are a failed foreign policy tool, meant to bring about ‘Regime Change,’ by creating indiscriminate suffering and hoping the population will revolt and overthrow the government that we don’t like. I don’t want my Tax Dollars used to create brutality and suffering on poor people anywhere. We could learn a few things from Cuba – let’s work with them.

  • Maria
    Posted December 7, 2021 4:22 am 0Likes

    I called my Congressman Jerry Carl, we need engagement with Cuba not alienation. Maria Conchita Mendez Piedra

  • rick moniz
    Posted December 21, 2021 12:19 am 0Likes

    Cuba and her people are now fully vaccinated and those vaccines are now available to the rest of the world. WE the people of the US should embrace Cuba and this scientific achievement(s). The embargo & the harming of the innocent is another stain upon the failed policies of the US over several decades. President Biden’s thinking that the mollification of the senate trioka of Menendez, Cruz and Rubio and their clan will not bring Florida along in 2022 or 2024. Cuban Americans are not a monolithic block of voters. Therefore, it is time to return to the policies of engagement and rapprochement implemented by President Barak Obama. There is no positive legacy for a POTUS that embraces Trumpism. We say no to regime change.

  • Jim Wilson
    Posted February 14, 2022 9:19 pm 0Likes

    America must engage with Cuba. Our current policy is stupid and self-defeating. Open your mind as well as your heart.

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