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Washington, DC – ACERE, the Alliance for Cuba Engagement and Respect, announces the release of a letter to President Biden signed by prominent lawyers nationwide expressing concern over the continued placement of Cuba on the State Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT) list. The letter, which was sent to the President today January 20th as he begins the second half of his term, highlights the lack of legal or moral justification for Cuba’s inclusion on the SSOT list, especially in light of the fact that it had been removed from the list just a few years prior by the Obama-Biden administration.

The letter, which is signed by 160 lawyers, comes on the heels of a similar letter sent to the President by 18 former heads of state, as well as petitions signed by hundreds of civil society organizations and thousands of citizens, all calling for the United States to lift its embargo and for Cuba to be removed from the SSOT list.

In the letter, the lawyers write, “Nearly half-way into your presidency and there has been no outward gesture or recognition that Cuba’s placement on this list was ever merited. We urge you to take action to rectify this injustice and remove Cuba from the State Sponsors of Terrorism list.”ACERE member Mayte Sosa said, “It is clear from the outpouring of support from lawyers, former heads of state, civil society organizations, and citizens, that the continued placement of Cuba on the State Sponsors of Terrorism list is unjust and without merit. We call on President Biden to take immediate action to rectify this injustice and remove Cuba from the list.”

ACERE is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting greater understanding and engagement between the United States and Cuba.

Contact: Manolo Gomez, ACERE member, [email protected], 202-262-3981

Legal letter to Biden on SSOT

The Alliance For Cuba Engagement And Respect

The people of Cuba have long been suffering under an economic, commercial and financial embargo by the United States that places restrictions on food, medicine, and economic support from relatives. President Trump not only reversed President Obama’s move to strengthen relations but further tightened sanctions against Cuba. Despite high hopes, President Biden has so far failed to bring about a substantive improvement in relations. After six decades of failed policy, it is time to demand a different path forward.

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